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Ontario SPCA • No Hot Pets

Every summer, pets suffer unnecessarily as a result of being left in hot cars. Often with tragic results. Our challenge was to help the Ontario SPCA prevent these heartbreaking incidents from happening here in Ontario. 
While most people adore their pets and would never knowingly cause them any harm, some simply don’t take a moment to consider the potential harm that could result from leaving their pets in the car, even if just for a very short period of time. 

This insight led to our solution: when it comes to leaving pets unattended in hot cars, there can be no excuses.
The campaign was simple: We spelled out some of the common excuses the Ontario SPCA had heard from pet owners who had left their pets unattended in their vehicles. Then, we distressed sections of the statements as though they had been cracked and burned away by sun and heat. The result was a powerful, disruptive campaign that confronted pet owners directly with the truth behind the excuses.​​​​​​​
The results:

9 million+ social media impressions.
3,000+ mentions on social media.
42% increase in website traffic. 

But the best result of all was the unknown number of animals that were spared from unnecessary suffering.
Ontario SPCA • No Hot Pets

Project Made For

Ontario SPCA • No Hot Pets

No Hot Pets • A Program of the Ontario SPCA and Humane Society • Public awareness campaign
