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Tips On Losing Weight "Insight Magazine"

Tips on Losing Weight 

You probably have read tons of articles about how to lose weight and be fit for the summer while eating burgers and sitting on the couch but this article we’ll provide you with the weapon you can use for a permanent healthy lifestyle. 
Here are the steps you need to follow to start your new lifestyle

Count Calories Intake 

Use a Calorie intake counter online to estimate how many calories you need a day, the counter does the calculations depending on your weight, height, age and activity and you’ll be able to know how many calories you should consume a day, not less and definitely not more. 

Cut out processed foods 

This means staying away from biscuits, chips, chocolates, packed juices, all kinds of frozen foods and Soda as they lead to massive weight gain without you even noticing, they’re addictive, high in fat and sugar, low in nutritions and won’t give your body what it needs.

Eat fresh foods and drink water 

Of course to have a healthy lifestyle you should learn to eat wisely , starving yourself won’t lead to anything but binging afterwards, thus you should include some vegetables and fresh food always in your daily intake, drinking more water also helps in staying hydrated and feeling full throughout the day. 

Avoid Emotional Eating 

We all get sad sometimes and decide to order some pizza to feel comfy while watching our favorite movie but you know that’s not healthy, you should eat only when you feel hungry not sad, if you’re aware of this fact, you’ll be in control of what you decide to eat and when. 

Do some Exercises 

Of course for a healthy lifestyle you need to exercise at least 3 times a week , either at the gym or running in the street, and if you can’t do this, you can always walk 30 minutes a day because it’ll help you burn calories and be active for your own well being not only for weight loss. 
Tips On Losing Weight "Insight Magazine"

Tips On Losing Weight "Insight Magazine"

An article Written for Insight Magazine Egypt


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