This image was captured outside of the same grain silo mentioned previously. Even though it is just an overgrown door I feel that there is a deeper meaning here. To me it feels almost like a gateway into another world we don’t get an opportunity to see. The branches act as a sort of protective barrier to hide us from the door. The other thing I like about this piece is the sense of depth you get thanks to the perspective going back into the light source at the center.
As an artist and Graphic Designer, I am very visually attracted to color. I found this graffiti inside of an old grain silo near my house. While the color is funny, I thought it was funnier that someone sprayed an enter sign above where part of the brick had fallen apart. I find that part of art and photography especially, is the story told behind how the work was created. With this image, that is exactally what I tried to do.
I was able to produce this photo while practicing with the shutter speed on my camera. I was in Downtown Detroit near the Fox Theatre late in the evening. I chose to zoom in on their marquee and set the camera to a long exposure time. I then shook the body to capture this abstract image of the neon lights. I really enjoy the sense of movement this provides the viewer even though they may not know the origin.


While not working on my Graphic Design skills I also like shooting photos in my free time. I feel it is another creative avenue that helps me to Read More
