Dorota Kuśnierz's profile

BISU-fire salamander

Bisu- Fire Salamander
The comic was published in 2012-2015 by the comic publishing house Yumegari. The comic book series consists of six volumes. Four volumes were published at Yumegari, the fifth volume was published by the owner, the last volume was published online at The copyright for the "BISU" series belongs to the author.
Bisu-Youth comic with fantasy elements loosely referring to Scandinavian mythology. Bisu, the fire salamander and servant of the goddess Freya, is sent on a mission to find the Brisingamen necklace, parts of which have been scattered throughout the nine worlds of Yggdrasill. During one of the skirmishes, however, he loses his tail and must escape. He goes to the Viking village, where he meets Tilli. Get ready for a fun and actionful shonen manga in the world of Norse mythology!
... ,,, I will not lie or exaggerate if I read Bisu. The Fire Salamander is a mine of interesting, funny and above all colorful heroes who quickly convince the reader. Each of them has something special that makes them unique, for example Bisu's wild, Tilla's innocence, Alva's loss or Dallak's impatience and weakness. These small elements bring us closer to the interior of the characters of this story, especially the fourth volume. Given to them is also an important feature racial and accompanying physical diversity that increases the characteristics of each of the characters, making them easier to remember and can't be mistaken for each. There are mythological references in the comic, because the gods do not play a direct role here. So you can say that Dorota Kuśnierz creates heroes on several levels, which overlap eachother, creating each character individually ....
BISU-fire salamander

BISU-fire salamander
