Irfan Dee's profile

The girl by the roadside

In one of my learning trips to Vietnam with my young charges, we happen to pass and stop by a make-shift shop that sells touristy trinkets and souveniers. Instead of being interested in the hand-crafted items, my eyes met up with this peculiar young girl, who seems a little timid, but at the same time, doesn't show any hint of being threatened by our presence.
I motioned her to just stand there, and do a natural pose.
I think she obliged, because there was no other reaction from her. I tried to talk to her, but she doesn't seem to understand me.
Here are some snapshots of her, and of her dad/uncle....I think...although they don't really feel like her relatives to me...but maybe it is just my gut feeling.
Enjoy the shots nonetheless.
The girl by the roadside

The girl by the roadside

Snapshots of a little girl by the roadside, her sculptor dad, and the touristy trinkets.
