A Sustainable Vision in 3D Printing 

A brief set by Canon & 3D Systems 
It’s possible that 60% of coral reefs will be gone in the next 30 years. 

Coral has also contributed towards medical research, provides a global value of £5.7 trillion a year, and more than 500 million humans depend on coral reefs for food, protection, wave energy reduction.
The community can bring glass & ceramic products to the recycling center. 
These products are crushed into sand, which is used for the 3D printing of concrete coral.
The artificial coral formation can then be selected and printed from concrete into a large and small form.

The small coral can be taken home, allowing the user to see their positive impact over time. 
The large coral will be placed in the ocean where the coral reef is already damaged to encourage polyp growth.
Canon would be responsible for coral regrowth.
A fantastic accomplishment which also encourages communities to recycle.
Canon Coral Reef

Canon Coral Reef

A brief set by Canon and 3D Systems for 'A sustainable vision in 3D Printing'
