A group project aimed at creating a service and a promotional video that narrates it with the aim of enhancing the landscape and the territory of Pennabilli (Rimini, Italy) on the occasion of the 2018 edition of the "Artisti in Piazza" festival.
We imagined a service of balloon exploration of the natural beauties around the medieval village with the idea of following the wind, knowing where we start from but only knowing where the journey will lead, creating a unique experience every time.
The promotional video was made in stop motion and contains the poetic storytelling of the experience.
On board the hot air balloon, the small group of passengers can be entertained by a guide with stories about the landscape or tasting of wines and typical dishes at high altitude. On the occasion of the annual "Artisti in Piazza" festival, artists or musicians can be invited on the balloon to create works of art or music in flight for the spectators below or even on board.
The pilot, after the trip, decides a point for the safe landing. From there passengers, with the maps provided, can choose whether to explore freely or return to the starting point with a guided tour or, if unable to return by foot, they can have a lift from the van that has to take the balloon back.