Sarah Maddox's profile

Information Graphics - Creative Packaging

The brief for this project was to design promotional materials to help promote an exhibiton for any three artists.  I chose Sokari Douglas Camp, Chris Ofili and Yinka Shonibare.  These three artists are all current British artists with Nigerian heritage.  Their work references their Afirican roots, slavery, colonialism and black identity.  I chose these artists because their work is bold, loud, colourful and flamboyant.  Plus the range of materials they use in their work offered many possiblities for packaging ideas and options.
I chose to call the exhibition, 'All the world is now richer.'  This is a phrase from one of Sokari Douglas Camp's works,  It is the last line in this verse,
'From our rich ancestral life
We were sold, bought and used
But we were brave 
We were strong
We survived
All the world is now richer.'
As the exhibition title it refers to the rich colours in the art as well as the richness of a cross cultural society. 
I decided to use a small tin to reference the steel and tin Sokari Douglas Camp uses in her sculptures.  I wrapped the tin in a 'African print' fabric in a flamboyant way with a bow on top referencing the fabric Yinka Shonibare uses throughout his oeuvre.  The material is a long strip which once undone can be used as a scarf, headscarf, napkin or table runner.  Inside the tin are chocolate truffles referencing, slightly humorously possibly,  the elephant dung Chris Ofili uses in his works.  These are wrapped in greasepoof paper on which there is printed information about the artists.  The greaseproof paper is sealed with a sticker with the name of the event and an image.  There are postcards about the exhibition enclosed in the parcel.
Paper containing information about the artists and the exhibition. This wraps the chocolates inside the tin.
Exhibition postcard showing work of each artist.
Artist specific postcard.  This one shows some art by Yinka Shonibare.
Back of both postcards contains the exhibition information.
Information Graphics - Creative Packaging

Information Graphics - Creative Packaging

Promotional materials for art exhibition.
