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Kids Count in Delaware Logo and branding

KIDS COUNT in Delaware anniversary logo 
KIDS COUNT in Delaware provides high quality data about the well-being of children, youth and their families for the purpose of effecting positive changes in policy, priorities and programs.
KIDS COUNT in Delaware wanted to have a special anniversary logo to release in celebration of 25 years of service provided by the organization.  

They wanted an iconic image that visually represented their mission and related more to their particular state chapter.  
The client especially admired the KIDS COUNT in Montana logo that had incorporated mountains into their new logo. 

The question of how to visually represent the data that the organization provides in order to better the lives of children was my first problem to tackle. After a little research, the idea of using a bar chart to represent steps started to cement.  Next, I searched for what Delaware was noted for to see if there were any iconic landmarks that could tie the logo into the state.  The solution fell into place when I took a step back and I look at the state itself.  It had a good iconic shape all on its own that was well recognized by the target audience of policy makers located in the state. Flipping the state on it's side allowed me to build the bar chart steps in to the outline of the state. The idea of a child climbing those steps to represent positive growth was the final piece to bring it all together.  An updated color palette and readjusting their word mark led to the final product.
KIDS COUNT in Delaware liked the new logo so much they have used it not just as their anniversary logo but continued to use it as their official logo.
Kids Count in Delaware Logo and branding


Kids Count in Delaware Logo and branding
