Lisa Rubini's profile

Life Skills Haiti Foundation

Recently wrapped up a brand identity for Life Skills Haiti. They required a logo that could represent the concept of teaching life skills to students that would empower them and sustain them in the future. The concept of pavers was developed to represent a path to sustainability and a foundation for the future. It also resembles a "hive" of activity. 

Following a survey to get some feedback from Life Skills Haiti, a couple of ideas for the logo were fleshed out, and colors and type were selected. The primary colors were a vibrant red and neon blue. Secondary colors are green, orange, purple, and a gray. Colors were selected to provide a feeling of energy, excitement, and joy.

First, icons were developed for the logo – several other icons were created before settling on these five.
Icons were then placed in the pavers and the pavers became the building blocks of the logo.
During the process, we worked to develop a tagline that summed up the mission of Life Skills Haiti.
The mission and tagline appear below or beside the logo on the business card, letterhead, and envelope.
Cover and page 4 excerpts from an initial Brand Guideline for Life Skills Haiti.
Life Skills Haiti Foundation


Life Skills Haiti Foundation

Logo and branding for Life Skills Haiti
