Global warming has a profound impact on the environment and human life. The rise in the global average temperature has led to a series of impacts that are highly likely to be a global issue.
The ocean is an important part of the climate system. With the increase of global temperature, the volume of water in the sea expands, the melting of glacier, some species will be forced to leave their habitat and even be extinction.

 We list the three kinds of serious impacts in the period and visualize them. 
The scale in each animal's body represents a serious consequence of a rise in temperature, the higher the temperature, the higher the water level.


全球變暖的效應對環境以及人類的生活影響深遠。全球平均氣溫的升高,引發了一系列的影響。這種影響的程度極其可能已經成為一個全球性的政治議題。 海洋是氣候系統中重要的一個組成部分,隨著全球溫度的升高,海洋中的體積膨脹,冰川融化,一些種類將被迫離開它們的棲息地,甚至被滅絕,我們列舉出其中三種影響 Read More
