Laura Gould's profile

Editorial Design: Bodoni Magazine

Bodoni Magazine
The goal of this project was to create a information graphic about a typeface or typographer. I was given the typeface Bodoni and decided to create an editorial piece that informs the reader about Giambattista Bodoni and his typeface. The editorial is designed to parody a beauty magazine and its editorial format is set in a chronological order of dates with various information on the typographer, typeface and outside influences. 

Bodoni falls under the Didone typeface genre along with Didot, the typeface used for the Vogue Magazine masthead. After discovering this I wanted to create a parody of beauty magazines that aims towards typographers and graphic designs. Using a portrait of Giambattista Bodoni as the cover girl the editorial layout roughly mimics the style of a beauty magazine with provided copy text and information graphics designed and written by me.

Editorial Design: Bodoni Magazine

Editorial Design: Bodoni Magazine

A typography infographic editioral piece that parodies common beauty magazines.
