Feature spread, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Feature spread, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Feature, opening spread, layout design and artwork, (retouching and illustration)
Feature page, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Regular column page, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Column illustration, concept and artwork
Feature spread, art direction, page layout and artwork
Feature opening spread, page layout and artwork
Feature spread, page layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Feature page, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Social network feature, page layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Feature page, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Feature page, layout and illustration, (concept and artwork)
Coca Cola Amatil CEO feature spread, art direction and page layout
Changing housing trends, page layout and illustration, (concept and artwork - using Google Sketchup)
The Deal Magazine

The Deal Magazine

Integrated concept, illustration and page design.
