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Photoshop Challenge Day 3 - retouching

Photoshop Challenge Day 4 - Retouching
This was a portrait I had taken a while ago of one of our church leaders.

I'm super impressed with the patch tool and the "fade patch selection" option that Terry showed...boy does it make for a nice way to clean things up while still not making people look unnatural!

After seeing his work cleaning up his photo, I noticed all the lovely little stray hairs in my photos, which I had never noticed before. I also tried the "liquify" filter to bump in a little pucker near the right shoulder that was bothering me a bit.

I had never used the dodge tool before, either...what a great way to brighten up smiles!

Here's the original for comparison: 
I'm so thrilled with the little tips and tricks I've picked up from the tutorials.
Photoshop Challenge Day 3 - retouching

Photoshop Challenge Day 3 - retouching

Retouched portrait
