My Umbra Corvus project
The one above is the original logo that I created on illustrator, and pulled into both photoshop, and indesign. The one below is a further refined version with a series of different ideas and designs below. I started with illustrator and didn't know what I wanted to do so with the shape building tool I made a circle to carve using the pencil tool. Still not knowing what to do I scraped what i had and started over thats when I started to think of crows and well, birds in general. I finished making the silhouette and noticed it would fit perfectly in a ring.
All I needed was a name so, in google translate I translated crow "Corvus" that was the best thing I could think of to fit the subject not knowing what to add I started to type random words when I stumbled upon shadow "Umbra" it sounder so cool that I had to use it, then on I found a font called fairy dust. There you have it the shadow crow AKA "Umbra Corvus" was born.
Umbra Corvus

Umbra Corvus

logo design
