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"Three-body art illustrations" H5 production当科幻遇上艺术

| 项目:《三体艺术插画集》众筹传播 |
| 品牌:森雨文化 三体宇宙TBC 未来事物管理局 |

Project introduction:

This is the first hard science fiction project we have worked with. In short, it is: being abused. But despite this, in the process, we also gained a lot of project experience and dry goods. Now explore the details behind H5 around the collection itself and the project's communication strategy.
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SCENSEE offers creative visual solutions for multimedia branding. Driven by a spirit of imagination and a passion for perfection, we have implemented hundreds of projects as a partner and service-provider.
"Three-body art illustrations" H5 production当科幻遇上艺术

"Three-body art illustrations" H5 production当科幻遇上艺术
