Introduction: Introduction to form and space is a great class for the creative types, we had to use one photo to trace and create our own elements of design to make, I convinced the teacher to let me do multiple photos and free hand drawing as well.
Materials: Tracing paper, Cannon Printer, GBC library, Tape, Pencils and Ink pens.
The initial photo I chose for the project.
Creative Process: My process behind this was actually much more difficult than I should've made it, even my teacher kept trying to talk me out of it and into just doing one photo, but I pursued and kept up with the process and concepts behind it.
Second photo I chose for the project.
Production Methods/Workflow: My production methods were all over the place, constantly trying out new ways to recreate an amazing picture in a way that could represent what I wanted to achieve, it was a long and tedious process that I made extremely difficult on myself. The workflow had to be steady and precise to be submitted on time and with efficiency and my message at ease.
Tracing the initial rhino.
Tracing the Bottles.
Then putting it all together.
Final Work: The final was a very long inking process with too many different things going on.
Conclusion: I learned a lot about cross hatching and creating different textures and not to make things more difficult than they should be, work smart, not hard. I was very impressed with how the final turned out and was surprised it was going to be showcased at the gallery. It speaks to me in so many ways, I just hope it makes an impact on others.
Save the World

Save the World
