April Schummer's profile

Informing America Felony Voting

My objective for this project was to create a microsite to spread awareness about a certain topic in America. The topic I decided to identify was Felony Voting in America. I created this microsite specifically for all voter age individual. All races, ethnicities, genders, and tax payer. This issue is affecting society, it is continued evidence of the deterioration of the family, has affected far more than the 6.1 mil incarcerated or previously incarcerated individuals.    
This has been an amazing project to develop and learn from. I had no previous knowledge about this issue and started with an open mind. I ended up fully supporting and reinstating individuals constitutional rights to vote. I believe, as stated throughout my research that this began in 1607 as criminal disenfranchisement and my opinion is that it is politically driven to control the outcome of elections. I hope you enjoy reading it.   
Informing America Felony Voting

Informing America Felony Voting
