Chinese ink on paper/ colores digitally
The internet has become a kind of bank of ideas for humanity. Being a reflection of the human spirit, it is also an environment conducive to the proliferation of our most vile feelings. Slander, jealousy, harassment and lies have ample space in the net. But it is also the place where people's thoughts are shared and serve as a step for others.    
It seems that the internet reflects a kind of telepathy, because several times, when we access our social networks, we see that someone posted something we were thinking. Perhaps "telepathy" is not the appropriate term, but the term coined by Jung, the "collective unconscious". The internet transforms the unconscious and makes it conscious. Published ideas are immediately shared by several people.  

Before the existence of this centralizing network of thoughts, those ideas used to vanish with the wind. Today, something is thought, a picture is taken, an idea is made and one can immediately share it in social media. At the same time, someone on the other corner of the world sees it in real time.                                                                    

It’s a world of exchange of ideas, knowledges that intersect, meet, and collide at any moment. A place where thoughts meet and join. The most powerful example of the simultaneity of knowledge. The idea of ​​a limited and reduced space, yet containing the whole information, defines, like no other, the time in which we live.

Gabee Brandão

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