Team Rescue 8 is a non-profit volunteer search and rescue organisation that was founded in 2012. Ever since they started the effort they placed into their branding was very minimal, although they have a lot of courses available but very few people know about it.
After becoming a member I offered all of my skills to get their branding in place and create a social media strategy for them to engage more people. We started the Team Rescue 8 Inc. Facebook page mid 2018 and we have already surpassed the 1,000 follower mark with only organic posts and because of our very consistent content the number keeps growing every week.
To make the progress sustainable, I create content for them on a weekly basis which is then distributed on a series of posts the week after. Scheduled and curated to make sure it is on point, valuable and in line with their core beliefs. 
Our combined efforts has resulted in a very active social media community. We have successfully trained people from all walks of life, executed relief missions and created annual outreach programs that people look forward to joining. 
It has been a pleasure and honor of mine to be working with such selfless individuals. Although we have accomplished a lot since we have started the project we still consider it as just the beginning of something more.
Team Rescue 8 Inc.

Skills Used:
Art Direction
Social Media Management

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere
Adobe InDesign
Final Cut Pro

To know more about Team Rescue 8 Inc. :
Team Rescue 8


Team Rescue 8
