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"The last drink": Public Service Announcement

"The last drink": Public Service Announcement.
Drunk driving has become a controversial world problem. 
Around 40% of fatal crashes are caused by the driving under the influence of alcohol. 
Every 50 minutes in America, someone dies in a drunk driving accident. If you're lucky enough you can survive with serious injuries.
Make sure that you get home safely.
Make sure you get another chance of living.
*Names have been changed for the model's privacy.

Tequila: is it really worth it for it to be your last drink?
Martini: shouldn't be responsible for anyone's death.
Here age doesn't count when drinking and driving. While most accidents happen between ages 20-30, age isn't an obstacle, it could literally happen to people of all ages. 
White Wine: shouldn't be anyone's lady killer.
Fatal accidents also cause major injuries that could lead you to the one and only Emergency Room. Avoid Margaritas being your hospital bill.
Beer: shouldn't get you in trouble. 
While having a good time with friends, Vodka shouldn't be your last laugh. All accidents are preventable and also a way of preventing these is having a designated driver every time you go out for a drink.
"The last drink": Public Service Announcement


"The last drink": Public Service Announcement

"The last drink" is a public service announcement based on the fatalities within driving under the influence of alcohol.
