Realization of an edible fanzine around the manifesto of the designers Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby about "Critical Design".
They answer in this text (available on their website) to a series of questions that tend to explain the concept of a "critical" design. Thus we assimilate the essence of an object of "Critical Design", through the two designers: it is a design that questions, questions the role of everyday products and objects and their preconceived ideas, in a satirical way.
At the meeting of the objects of "Critical Design", the viewer knows a dilemma and questions the likelihood of the object, sometimes gets lost. In Critical Design, this notion of willful antagonism is the essential driving force to stimulate debate.
Made in bread and chocolate, 2018



Edible fanzine about the Critical Design's manifesto of Anthony Dunne and Fiona Raby
