Angelia DiAntonio's profile

Motion Graphics: Mental Health Awareness

This was my final project in my kinetic/sequential graphic design class, where we first learned how to use AfterEffects. The assignment was to create a video that could be used as a public service announcement to promote an idea and/or convince the viewer to do something. I chose to make a video about mental health awareness. As a resident assistant, I've learned a lot about mental illnesses and how important it is to be open to talking about them. Why is there a stigma attached to mental illnesses, anyway? At one of our training sessions, a speaker from Active Minds spoke with us, so my research comes from this great organization.
I created this by first sketching out a storyboard. Then I drew all of these by hand and scanned them into Photoshop, where I edited them and saved them as separate layers. Then I imported those into AfterEffects, where I placed each layer on different levels in 3D space using cameras. It took a lot of time, but I enjoyed doing it! I love the problem-solving aspect of creating a video like this.
P.S. My voice doesn't sound quite that awkward in real life!
Motion Graphics: Mental Health Awareness

Motion Graphics: Mental Health Awareness

I created this animation in a beginner's kinetic/sequential graphic design class to raise awareness about mental health.
