Internship work at Y&R Singapore.

Client - WPP
I wrote the script for the manifesto video below under the guidance of Jyh, the senior copywriter. MeWe WPP is an initiative for gender equality at the workplace to foster inclusion of all the young and old, men and woman.

Female VO -This line
Male VO- separates us
Female VO - It marks the divide between what I can do 
Male VO -and what I cannot do
Female VO -It limits what I can achieve.
Male VO -It defines me -
Female VO - as a woman, 
Male VO -as a man.
Male VO -This line labels me too young to achieve
Female VO -too old to contribute.
Female VO- But if we erase this line. We can help make sure opportunity does not                                   discriminate. That nobody is regarded as less than anyone else.
Female VO- That I am valued for my skill.
Male VO- And I am awarded for my work
Female VO - At WPP we celebrate difference. We thrive on diversity.
                     Which is why we created MeWe WPP. To erase the line
Male VO- and make a difference today.
                We are doing this through our three main pillars- Equality, Empowerment and
                Engagement. We want to cultivate a more inclusive working environment. This                    our conscious effort to achieve equal representation and equal opportunities for                  all. So that every single one of us will be treated fairly and be given the same                      chances, even though we may look or speak differently.
Female VO- But this isn't about campaigning for equality at work, It's about making things                      happen.
Male VO- It's not about lighting the fire, it's about spreading the light.It's about creating a                    chain reaction.
Female VO - We are the world's largest communications group in Singapore. When we                            come together as one we have the power to erase stereotypes, eliminate                            discriminations and inspire future generations.
Male VO- We can erase the line and force a change.
Female VO - All we need is to take the first step, because change begins with you.
Male VO- So that in the future we can say
Everyone- We are Equal.
After Effects Animation - Superunion
Senior Art Director - Boon Tan
Senior Copywriter  - Lee Jyh Yeong

Manifesto Video

Manifesto Video


Creative Fields