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#XDDailyChallenge Day 2, low res first screens

The Music Machine App 
Day 2 Adobe XD Daily Challenge!
I'd LOVE ALL FEEDBACK...If anything feels off or you just think something should be better, PLEASE share with me!!  #XDDailyChallenge
The Splash Screen starts as whole music machine then it zooms in to this section. The title bounces in, a little tune plays...
When you tap the Logo on Splash Screen, the login screen appears with options to sign up, get help (overlay), or take a tour of the app before you sign up!
If you tap login you end up here, the machine pans/zooms animates in between screens.You can type your user name and password and tap login to go to the home screen. You can still get help or go back by tapping the green/yellow arrow in the red circle.
If you tapped "SIGN UP" you end up here. Parents can do the login, or coach the kids. Legal thingie kid checks box "Mom said I could." When they tap the box, it turns white and has a check mark (below) then you can tap Sign Up button.
When you sign up this pops up over the signin stuff and you tap the play button to go to the Home screen and start PLAYING :D 
This is the home screen. Goal: To show this app has two parts: Listen, & Sing. And the settings are available here on the home screen. In Listen, you get songs, add them into Mix Tapes (aka playlists) and "like" songs. In Sing you can record yourself singing along to any song. Lyrics across bottom of playing song's cover art are optional. In PANEL, you can access settings, parental controls, purchasing info, volume limiter, etc. It also has the mix-up for voice to song, + permission to use mic, for "SING" part of the app. It is accessible there as well. So, if you click LISTEN...
You end up here. Title Bar tap goes HOME. Menu bar pretty obvious. First, you see that you can find songs with a search bar, Then, you can go to your playlists, aka MIX TAPE. Or, you can tap GENRES and see new songs in the areas you like, (kids genres like Disney, Kids Indie, Pop, etc). No songs with explicit lyrics ever in here! Finally, this page is preloaded with your favorites along the bottom. You can tap a heart and UNfavorite to get it out of this list. So, if you tap a favorite song it plays (see NOW PLAYING screen below). If you tap MIX TAPES you go to the next screen.
The back button goes to the last screen you were on. Title bar=HOME. Listen highlights the main page you are in (as opposed to SING). This is where your Mix Tapes pop up. They are tabbed by the cassettes. Your titles on them. You can tap another tape or swipe to scroll to more. Tapping on one tape selects that list and it appears below. Favorites have red hearts, not yet favorited are grayed out. A heart tap switches it from one to the other. Tapping a song plays it. Or, use the controls at bottom bar. The + - buttons go to MIXTAPE settings like rename, delete, new list. Should that be a dif screen or popup?? Volume far left is popup slider not pictured. The horrible graphic below the play bar is a shuffle button and IDK where to put it. So, if you tap a song or push play....the next screen comes up
And this is the Now Playing song...same as last screen otherwise. Below is a long title instead of the bigger blob...thoughts on that/? 
#XDDailyChallenge Day 2, low res first screens


#XDDailyChallenge Day 2, low res first screens

#XDdailychallenge Day 2, a low res storyboard of the first few screens (except I didn't understand low res concept LOL)
