Leonard Andry's profile

"UNIVERSE" by madeinalley

"Parallel universe, a universe redone what is real one in your mind is fun one in your heart is what you feel multi layered love layers of human reality when looking from above like the mourning dove who’s actuality is a lonely spotted seed only to detect the things that work out perfectly."​​​​​​​
I never dreamed of meeting someone like you. You found me in the cold and gave me a home, and now I can't imagine my life without you. You showed me the parts of the world that no one has ever seen. You helped me find the light and now I  can survive these dark days because of you. We danced with the stars and lived off wishbones. Swallowing stardust and creating galaxies with our imagination. Your love made my head spin faster than the planets. Sweetheart, you have done so much  and now I feel like one of the lucky ones. Let us go fishing for stars Let us swim with the cosmos. You drew an atlas on my hand and connected the dots to the places where we plan to meet. I love the shape of your lips and how I can trace them so easily with mine  and now I can finally feel comfortable when I say I love you and mean it because I will love you until there is no till. Until all the stars burst apart in front of us. Until the universe stops spinning Until the end.

thought process
ready to go. madeinalley all right reserved
"UNIVERSE" by madeinalley