This is a project I have worked on for a college class. We were to take two typefaces (one with serifs and one without) and use the glyphs in black and white compositions.
I liked the idea of a "d" and a "p" put together to create a straight shape with two round portions, and I later added a "U" to give it something else. I also used a white "8" and a "j" to provide negative space and to create interesting shapes out of the black. The curved shape at the upper left is a large black "7" that is mostly out of frame; the black on the lower half is a "K" rotated 90 degrees clockwise. I also used an "I" at the bottom to change the shape of the "K."
This composition came together from a couple of ideas; first, a large "l" askew at the center with an "S" on its side making some interesting curved hooks on either side of the "I." The second idea, which was originally part of its own composition, was the curved lines of a "3" wrapping around an "i" and another curved glyph - in this case I settled on a "c." I like circular shapes, so I added an "o" and a "Q," and the "f" added a parallel line to the "I" in addition to some curves from the top of the letter and the serifs at the bottom.
Letter Shapes

Letter Shapes


Creative Fields