Taylor Scalzo's profile

Brand Guidelines - WIP

Dominican Republic WIP
In this project I will be designing brand guidelines for the Dominican Republic's tourist office in the United States. After research and mind mapping I developed a persona to which this project would be centered around. I created mood boards and grid layouts  to show the the color scheme and overall design of my process book as well as typographic and inspiration. I hope to convey the energetic and vibrant culture of the Dominican Republic through these guidelines. 

Mind Mapping

Mood Boards
Country Theme
Logos & Type
Original Color Palette
I decided that the original colors were a little bright and didn't work too well so I went with a more neutral palette
Logo Sketches 
For the ideation of my logo I wanted to create an icon that was distinct to the Dominican Republic and encapsulated a unique feature about the country. The Dominican Republic has the most diverse topography in the Caribbean so I played around with a lot of natural icons. I also wanted to use their "faceless dolls" as a possible icon to represent their diverse ethnic culture. 
Here is my exploration of the logo and the final logo on the right

Grid and Guideline Sketches
The Brand Guidelines follow a 3x5 grid. Titles, subheads and body copy all fall in the 2nd to 4th columns, all images and graphics are places on the right hand side of the document. Page numbers and document title and author are centered to the inside of the pages. 
Before & afters for the cover and some page spreads
Presentation Board
The Dominican Republic Tourist Agency | Brand Guidelines | Taylor Scalzo | Feb 2019
Brand Guidelines - WIP

Brand Guidelines - WIP
