I used the Principles of Design Rhythm for this particular photo. It's telling the story of a cold winters afternoon and an empty parking lot of an old wedding hall. The uninhabited part of Nebraska that only is busy on the occasional Saturday night.
For this one I used Element of Form. The long and winding road of the middle of the US. Traveling these roads, there isn't much to see except for the nature that surrounds you.
I used the Element of Form again. With the distance of the corn field and how it seems to go on forever. What once was alive, is dormant for just one season, until it's revived again.
I used the element of Line's for this one. You see the structure of bridges that take you from one state to another here in the Midwest. The drawbridge that doesn't draw.
I used the principle of emphasis on this one. you are drawn to a gate that seems to be left open. It's use is not well thought of as the gate prevents nothing without proper fencing around it.
Element of form again here. Frozen lakes giving the ice fisherman a chance to do what they love. Once alive and flowing, this riverbed will flow once again.
I used the principles of balance for this. In the middle of nowhere you will find old and rundown buildings, that once served great purpose. Behind this, fields of corn for days.
Used the element of shape on this photo. A self-made sign helps keep the looters at bay. Hunting ground is harder to find around these parts and permission is always needed.
Using the principles of balance here in this one. We see that the windmill is the focus and attention of this one. What we have all come to know about how to tell where the wind is coming from.
Used the principles of balance on this one as well as a bit of element of shape. We see the frost of a winters morn on the church of a small town. We have everything about small town life in this photo. It's rundown, and yet very functional.
Rural Winter

Rural Winter
