Karla Sheppard's profile

Promotional Rack Cards and Postcard

​​​​​​​Funky Scarf Rack Card
Wearable Fine Art by Deb Johnson

CHALLENGE: Create a glossy rack card/promotional flier that describes and illustrates both the artist and her craft, for distribution in art galleries throughout Columbus and at regional art shows.

SOLUTION: I wanted to use a simple, clean design and sans serif font to not distract from the artist’s work. Her clientele tends to be contemporary and urban, so the design needed to appeal to this audience. The bold colors used not only catch one’s eye, but nicely compliment the fibers used in the work. The addition of the artist’s enlarged signature provided further name recognition and an additional graphic element. The vertical format works nicely allowing her name to be visible even when in brochure racks at hotels and galleries.

Deb Johnson Postcards
Wearable Fine Art

REQUEST: Create glossy, postcards for self-promotion. The first postcard was to alert clientele on her upcoming show. The second postcard needed to be generic enough to be able to use one postcard for all events.

SOLUTION: Similar to the rack card above, I used a simple, clean designs with the same identity look as her rack card. The neutral color helped her scarves to pop off the card. The back mailing portion of the card was kept very simple with her logo, name and return address, while still using common colors and elements. The artist reports that this has been very effective, and even uses a portion of it as a coupon for a discount if clients bring the card with them to the show. 

Promotional Rack Cards and Postcard

Promotional Rack Cards and Postcard

Promotional coaster set, customer gift, bumper sticker,
