A range of paintings I've produced over the years.
I used to prefer working in oils for the for their rich colours & texture, however after living for a couple of years in the UK I have turned back to acrylics as a more common medium due to drying time and costs.
Fire Flower - originally produced in 20mins to appease my wife for our house warming party as we had no pictures
JUL 2006
Android Dreams
JUL 2008
Wayne Lee - Acrylics on unstreched canvas using bamboo stick & sponge

Fishing Nightmare  - Still life fish & netting etc painted using sponge card & wood

La Fem Noir - Summer's night in London

Lions Rock Piha - Wedding Present for friends Dave & Bex
MAR 2007

Oyasumi - Sudo Japanese Gothic style

Stolen Sunset - Unfinished painting stolen from outside flat in UK
DEC 2003


Paintings - a range of mediums in different countries
