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tothepoint Calendar 2019

A calendar for life, not just for Christmas

There is a plethora of self-help books out there and 12 Rules for Life - 
the controversial book by Jordan Peterson - was one of the most talked
about of 2018. We'll be honest, not many are on our reading list but it 
did get us thinking:

What helps us be who we are? Not rules but ideas for a happy life.

So we got together, put the kettle on, and knocked a few ideas back 
and forth about what makes us - well - us.

Then we brought 12 of them to life in a series of colourful illustrations, 
posters, and animations.

We think they're pretty good (if we do say so ourselves) and with a 
convenient 12 months in a year it was a no brainer for them to form 
this year's calendar.

We encourage you to turn the sound on for the full experience.

Morse Code: Communication in its simplest form.
make time for a brew
love what you do
cut out the waffle
keep it simple
be outstanding
have a giggle
put your phone down
find time for play
be inclusive
be clear and concise
look beyond the obvious
better together

View the full project here.

tothepoint Calendar 2019

tothepoint Calendar 2019

A calendar for life, not just for Christmas There is a plethora of self-help books out there and 12 Rules for Life -  the controversial book b Read More
