ポスターの説明:現在、沖縄の珊瑚は海水温度の上昇と水質のストレスのために多くが消滅しています。珊瑚は海の生物の家の役割もしているため、そこに住む魚も含めた深刻な現状を知ってもらいたいと思い、このポスターを作りました。(2017.6 制作)

Title of the work:Coral is dying
Work exhibited at Taiwan international graphic design award 2017.
Currently, many coral of Okinawa is annihilated due to sea water temperature rise and water quality stress. Since coral also plays a role as a house of sea creatures, I wanted to know the serious current situation including fish living there, and I made this poster. (Produced in June, 2017)
Coral is dying

Coral is dying

Title of the work:Coral is dying Work exhibited at Taiwan international graphic design award 2017. Currently, many coral of Okinawa is annihilate Read More
