ART 230 Gift Booklet Project
For our  final project we were asked to choose a talk from the most recent General Conference, from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that you would like to share with someone you care about. Using the text of the talk, design a multi-page printed booklet as a gift. Focus on how typography hierarchy works over a series of spreads to engage and invite a reader to invest time in the content.

I chose to create my booklet based on the talk, "Taking Upon Ourselves the Name of Jesus Christ" by Elder Robert C. Gay.

Since the talk is focused on Jesus Christ I wanted a simple, reverent booklet. I chose colors that were calm and inviting.
Booklet Spread
Here is a closer look at my booklet.
My cover is a very simple cover, but I felt that it fit with the overall feel of my booklet. I chose colors that you will find throughout the booklet. The focus of the talk is on Jesus Christ, so I chose to bold "Jesus Christ" on the cover. I really like the attention that it draws to His name and makes it stand out from the other words.
The first page you see, after the cover, is a quote page. For my quote pages, I wanted large quotation marks that hung off the edge of the page. I felt that large quotation marks catch the reader's eye and draws them in.
In the talk, Elder Gay shares three ways that we can take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ. I wanted to focus on those three words, so I placed them at the top of each section. I enlarged the words and used all-caps to draw attention to each word
In the project brief we were to use one picture of the speaker. I emailed my instructor and got permission to use one of my favorite pictures of Jesus Christ. I then added a transparent overlay in the bottom left corner and added a quote.
When I read a talk from General Conference, I often take notes. For my last two pages I knew I wanted to include sheets where the reader could ponder on the words that they read in the talk and record what they could do to apply them. The final page includes space for any additional notes.
My back cover is very similar to the front cover which includes a centered box that includes a quote from the talk. This quote includes the three words that I used at the top of some of the pages, so I decided to bold each of the words found in this quote.
I love the look of my final booklet. I think I achieved the look and feel I had in mind. I would be happy to share this booklet with any of my friends or family.
ART 230: Booklet

ART 230: Booklet

ART 230 Booklet Project
