This is the end
This is the last project of the semester. A gift booklet design of an incredibly uplifting and motivational talk given by an apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
This one took a little extra work as the light blue colors used in the background imagery got a little mixed up (working on this kind of stuff can be a bit hard when you're colorblind, thank goodness for html codes and whatnot to help keep my head straight).
I even tried utilizing space by using the little boxes and circles you see as not only a decoration to give the project a little life, but also using them as highlights for quotable sections of the talk as well as placeholders for any pull-quotes.
I just wanted to throw in a big thank you to my wonderful teacher who helped me learn so much over this past semester. Whether or not I actually go into design, these will be incredibly handy skills to have.
Also, Merry Christmas (or any other holiday greetings for whatever holidays you might be celebrating this time of year).
Believe, Love, Do.

Believe, Love, Do.

Booklet style design for an uplifting LDS talk.
