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Guerrilla Collage

I once read a critique of contemporary editorial cartoonists by a syndicate executive who expressed absolute disdain for anyone who scanned things into their computers and "cheated" by using them instead of drawing. I think that may have actually motivated me to start doing it deliberately. 

Let's face it, these days image editing software like Photoshop is just another tool for artists, just like a brush or a pen. This is a collection of humorous and/or satirical collages and montages that I've created over the years just as a means of expression and visual thinking.
This is pretty apolitical. The image just came into my mind and wouldn't leave when I heard the story of the President's dependence on his PDA.
Funny how this is even more true now with the whole Tea Party movement than it ever used to be.  Some of my best friends and most loved relatives are die-hard Republicans. Try as I might, I can't seem to show them the dangers of tribalism and absolutism- this collage was a desperate attempt to cope with the hopelessness of trying to open eyes.
I have no idea what it means, just having fun with words and images. Contrary to what some right-wingers may think of me, Che is not a hero of mine, on the other hand, I really haven't researched him enough to feel the need to make fun of him specifically- I'm just having fun with a pop-icon. Pretty sure someone's already blended the Che poster with something from Planet of the Apes. Whatever. Just messing around.
Let's face it, it was a really crappy year.
I suppose that if my sense of humor wasn't so esoteric, I'd actually have a career as a writer or cartoonist instead of being a teacher. This image is emblematic of my own personal angst about world-views. Unfortunately, the Hegelians seem to be winning, they control everything, damnit!
You can take this anyway you want to. If you're conservative, tell yourself that those darn liberals are trying to remake God in their image. If you're liberal, think of it as Jesus being a homeless, barefoot, iconoclastic social revolutionary. Honestly, I can't make up in my own mind exactly what to make of it. I think I had something in mind originally (probably pro-Democrat) but to be honest it makes me a little uneasy now. Good art is provocative and takes on a life of it's own.
One St. Patrick's Day the idea for this piece just popped into my head and wouldn't leave. I threw it together as an "E-card" that day for some of my friends and then it snowballed into lots of other cereal-inspired ideas- as you can see if you keep scrolling down.
This is me as legendary Chicago columnist Mike Royko, having a beer with colleague Studs Terkell.
This is me if I were Charles M. Schultz
Guerrilla Collage

Guerrilla Collage

Digital collages as cartoons and political cartoons. Some are dated, some are esoteric, but all of them are fun.
