A L E X A H A R O N's profile

Shaar Hagai: Museum near Jerusalem

Exhibition & Signage
Shaar Hagai
location: Israel 
designed at Programa 1 Studio 

Han Shaar Hagai was built in the 19th century as a roadside inn for pilgrims bounding from Jaffa for Jerusalem. It was a witness to many battles for this road.
These days it is transforming into a Museum dedicated to the story of Han and the tragic events around the road that it guarded, as well as perpetuating the Palmach soldiers who liberated Jerusalem.

There is an operational log kept by Palmach soldiers during liberating Jerusalem and video documentation of that time on the winding table resembling a road. The transparent screens on the background are dedicated to the major events in Israel and in the world and related military action.​​​​​​​
Large screens with a Polaroid style frame show nostalgic documentaries of Israel and its capital before the war.
Shaar Hagai: Museum near Jerusalem

Shaar Hagai: Museum near Jerusalem

Han Shaar Hagai was built in the 19th century as a roadside inn for pilgrims bounding from Jaffa for Jerusalem. It was a witness to many battles Read More
