Hide and Seek
An attempt to find people who may or not exist in worlds and created their own worlds, as i am to step outside my own world while taking photos to prove that they exist. The methodology required exploring different environments in finding the right method of photography in my style of taking the photos. With the theme of what kind of world other people may exist in, that required thinking outside the limits of the photos themselves. The ideas and research involved exploring  photography range from people and birds on the streets to those who live around train tracks, which would result in finding an unique and interesting story in the photos. 
From keeping the photos black and white, double exposure with a definition of a colour would show what each photo expressed. It was also to show story that showed the idea of the kids played hide and seek in them. Then a mix of altering the colours around the photos and starched out characters were created with layered environments for the kids to hide in was to make the dimensions kids minds live in and exist around the games of hide and seek.

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

Hide no ideas and Seek out the impossible
