R'ki Smith's profile

PSA Ads - human trafficking

Ads to help solve human trafficking.
What is human trafficking? From the dictionary it says that human trafficking is "the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation."
It's actually surprising how many people in our world don't know about human trafficking or don't believe that it's actually happening. I know that I didn't learn about it until I was a Junior or Senior in high school. Honestly, I wish it was something that was talked about more often.
That's kind of the purpose I was going for with these PSA ads. I wanted people to be more aware of some of the dangers that are out there and how they can help. People who are victims of human trafficking need your help more than ever. It was something I felt very strongly about and I felt the need to make a PSA poster for.
The purpose of public service announcements it so help the community in knowing what's going on around them and to inform them of certain information. I feel like it's important for our society to know about human trafficking and to not turn a blind eye to it.
PSA Ads - human trafficking

PSA Ads - human trafficking

Public Service Announcement ads on the topic of human trafficking.
