Brittany Martin's profile

General Conference Magazine Spread

First two pages of the magazine spread
The text for this project is taken from a talk (or sermon) entitled Laying the Foundation of a Great Work, which was given during a Church-wide broadcast by ecclesiastical leader Steven R. Bangerter for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Among the themes of this talk are parenthood, creating habits and traditions, and teaching children.
Spread 1 of 3
Spread 2 of 3
Spread 3 of 3
Color scheme for the magazine spread
I purposefully chose calming, light colors for the spread because this article is about how one can be a better parent. Women are already so worried that they aren’t doing enough for their families, so I wanted this spread to create a positive, contented feeling that would help women feel inspired by its advice rather than weighed down by it.
I really love Work + Wonder Co.’s General Conference notebooks, and I wanted to incorporate some of the same elements they use – pretty, clean, bright, targeted to women, made for study and notes rather than simply reading.

I allowed generous leading in the body text, as well as clean margins, to accommodate highlighting and annotating. I formatted the pull quotes in such a way that they could be cut out and put on a fridge or magnet board in someone’s home as a decorative inspirational quote. On the final page, I dedicated an entire column to space for personal notes.
Each photo in the spread reminds me of calm, happy moments with my son. I wanted the photographs to portray the quiet happiness of ordinary family life – playing outside, holding a baby, going for a walk. When I look at these images, they seem to say: Yes, there are things you can do to improve your parenting. Yes, there is work to be done. But don’t let that eclipse the simple joys that accompany this work. Feel the peace and love that comes along with all you do. 

I didn’t want photos of mothers doing crazy, extravagant things and overdoing themselves, I wanted mothers who are loving and teaching in all the simple ways that help families feel God’s love.
General Conference Magazine Spread

General Conference Magazine Spread
