Alisha Vital's profile

TB - Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers
Nadia Ryder
Nadia Ryder is a Fashion photographer, she's a Ravensbourne DGP alumni. I've never really been interested in Fashion photography but I really enjoyed Nadia's work. Her use of warm tones and colours is different from what I usually see when it comes to fashion photography and I felt like this was a chance for me to see fashion photography from a different perspective.

I also found it interesting that Nadia mainly shoots on film even though she did a Digital Photography course, the way that her photos come out gives them an vintage feel.

From Nadia's talk I found out that after graduating there are many different paths you can take into the industry. This was really helpful information to get because it makes me feel like it isn't impossible for me to get into the industry as long as I work hard, even when I feel like i'm not doing anything 'important'.
Danial Regan
Daniel Regan is a Photographer who focuses on Health and Well-being. He got into this type of photography through his struggle with his own mental health throughout his life. 

I found his story to be interesting as he never intended to become a photographer as he originally only used photography as a form of escapism or a way to express what he's feeling but this developed into something more and became his niche.

I really enjoyed Daniel's work mainly because of how creative and unconventional it all was. It was interesting how he could take such literal themes of suicide or mental health and portray it in a non-literal way that isn't intimidating (considering the topic) but still informative and thought provoking.
Nicola Muirhead
Nicola Muirhead is a documentary and portrait photographer.

I found her work to be really interesting as I've never researched into documentary photography too throughly before. I liked her work around Grenfell Tower and the people affected by the tragedy as it was intimate and informative at the same time.

TB - Guest Speakers


TB - Guest Speakers

This is a review of the guest photographers that came to talk to us about their photographic journey.


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