Studio Juliat's profile

Migration - Moth Trilogy

(Pen & Ink on 300gsm paper)

I'm inspired by vintage scientific illustrations and silhouette cuttings - I've sought to incorporate these elements here. "Migration" is the third piece of my trilogy series on moths. I was inspired to do this project because of beauty of their patterned wings, and how they live to the fullest in a short lifespan. 

“Migration” shows the Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) and the White-lined Sphinx Moth (Hyles lineata) making the dangerous flight across stormy weather in search of a better habitat. They take advantage of strong winds to fly further. 
Working on the wings in the studio
Migration - Moth Trilogy

Migration - Moth Trilogy

Moths Migration art illustration, done in pen and ink
