Skin & Bone is a tattoo studio based in Copenhagen and owned by Canadian born Coin Dale that are specializing in cultural designs and techniques from around the world. Nordic, Polynesian and other Prehistoric tools. The designs here are for print on T-Shirts, Crew Necks, Hoodies, Polo Shirts.

Machine Free Tattoo icon
The collective Scandinavian people.
Alternative version of the Skin & Bone Sun symbol
A woman who predicts events
Valknut symbol triangle design inspired by Pink Floyd album "Dark Side of the moon"

Loki The Mischievous Norse God
Tattoo-styles 'abstracted' through text.
Norse Heavy Rock-Style
Norse Looped Square
It literally says: I don't know - I don't speak Chinese.
Norse in Graffiti Bubble Letters
Before and After the 1970s
Triskelion - represents the spiritual world, the present world and the celestial world.
Colin Dale London Metro-Style
Graffiti "Utlagi" meaning Outlaw
Classic answer to ignorant people
Norse Vintage Style
Norse warrior
Ægishjálmur Symbol
Copenhagen Alternative Spelling
"vikings" in Arabic
Canadian and Greenlandic (Denmark) Island
Eternal Love Rune
Double negative
North Germanic ethnolinguistic group
Curse Word
Purposely Misspelled Tattoo
The Helm of Awe is an Icelandic magical stave.
Life Advice
Norse Poem
The Boss of Skin & Bone
General Warning
Norse Fraktur Style
Skookum an evil spirit
Germanic Heroic Legend
Rare Strength
Arabic Skin Bone Logo
Classic tattoo "Regret Nothing" purposely spelled wrong.

Celtic Norse Style
Colin in Sketch Style
Classic Answer
Loki - Coca Cola Style
Colin Dale Hometown
Respekt Stick-Style
Prevent something from happening
Victorian-Era Serif
Scandinavian People
Once the capital of Denmark
Proto-Celtic *nana (“grandmother”)
Skin Bone - Gungnir Symbol
Son of Odin
Loki The Mischievous Norse God
Skin Bone Symbol Etching Style
Denmark - Ed Hardy Style
Norse Victory
Alternative Logo Version
'Norse' Blackletter Style
Canada Sketch Style
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Have a nice day
Skin & Bone


Skin & Bone
