Hello. My name is Yoshi. This is my Foodie Freakout kiosk. The goal for my kiosk will be for mall shoppers to have a fun and interactive way to decide on the food they would like to eat with a chance to win a dollar coupon. The coupon encourages the shoppers to let foodie freakout help them make a choice because of the possible reward.  ** imagine**  You are at the mall in front of the food court, over whelmed by the choices of food in front of you. Bummed out you glance to your left and see a large orange monster... You start to float towards it, entranced with your eyes big and mouth drooling. You reach it.   This looks fun you say.  You read the first line of the main screen and it offers a solution to what you were overwhelmed with a few moments ago. PROBLEM SOLVED! You hit the play button and it begins. You are then asked to pick three meals from the choices given to you. Once you have chosen the meals you hit the next button and it takes you to an animation of spaceships. You watch the meals and a monster float in to the spaceships. You are supposed to keep your eye on the monster.  As they spin they stop randomly and it continues to the next page asking you to pick the ship that has the monster. Pick the correct ship and you continue to the congratulations page and proceed to the coupon page. Pick the wrong ship and you continue to the losing page and the losing meal page.  Foodie Freakout gives people a visually pleasing and interactive way to decide what to eat when given too many choices.  People also might try new food and places, and have fun while doing so. On top of this it gives it's users the chance to get a dollar coupon for whatever meal they receive from the game.  Foodie Freakout. The game that solves your foodie freakout moments

 My FIRST Graphic Design Project at PSU 
Foodie Freakout

Foodie Freakout
