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Creating Typefaces

Re-Branding a Chewing gum brand to a Blade brand. 

The idea here is to take an existing chewing brand, GUMON, which has a suitable branding to match the product and rebrand the same to a a hypothetical blade brand with the same name. 
How would GUMON look like of it were a blade brand with the same name?
What would the typography look like?
What qualities of the product would be evident in the branding?
Ideating by incorporating the product qualities. Sharp , sleek, edgy. 
Qualities of the blade, such as edgy, sharp, steel, cold were depicted in the following type. The forward motion of cutting while using a blade is depicted in the slant of the type. 
Using the above letters, creating the entire set from A-Z
Creating the brand identity and then the entire typeface for the same. 
Creating Typefaces

Creating Typefaces

Creating typefaces from existing brands by understanding the product features.
