Lucas Hammond's profileGrant Lentz's profile

Canyonlands Travel Poster


Our project is advertising for the Canyonlands trip. For our research and pre-work we gathered pictures and information from Mr. Davis because he is one of the faculty leaders that leads the trip. One of our goals of this poster was to portray the educational aspect of learning about the role of water preservation.
Thumbnail Sketches and Roughs:
Photographer Citation:
Omer Salom
Final Design
Final Design Explanation:
In our final design we edited in the river along with the person in the canoe. This is because it shows some of the activity that takes place during the trip. We also recolored the water to be more visually appealing to make it stand out more because of the importance of water with this specific trip. We also adjusted the color contrast and saturation to make the colors in this image pop more to make it more appealing. We also stuck to the simple title because we wanted the beauty of the scenery to stand out more instead of a super flashy title.
Canyonlands Travel Poster

Project Made For

Canyonlands Travel Poster


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