EJAY SOHN's profile

Kakao Gift / Brand Identity Design Renewal

I send you my heart.

A tool for connecting and keeping hearts.
The new symbol of ‘Kakao Gift’ shapes a gift box and a ribbon,
so it symbolizes one's heart to send through a gift.

마음을 잇고, 마음을 담는 도구.
선물하기의 새로운 심볼은 선물상자와 상자를 둘러싼 리본을 형상화하여
선물을 통해 전하고자 하는 마음을 상징합니다.

Kakao Commerce Design Part / CX CELL

I created - 
Symbol Concept, Symbol Design, Label System Design, Copywriting
Kakao Gift / Brand Identity Design Renewal

Kakao Gift / Brand Identity Design Renewal

Kakao Gift is a platform based on ‘Kakao Talk' app that send a gift via mobile. The crew of Kakao Gift decided to renew service branding in 2017. Read More
