Romulo Temigue's profileCintia Miyahira's profile

Rua, table

Design Name:

Primary Function:

The name Rua for the table comes from the urban and the skater who always uses the street as backyard of his favorite sport.

Unique Properties / Project Description:
Rua is an industrial table with wheels and it is made with recycled skateboard shapes that are cut by hand and glued one by one.

Project Duration and Location:
The project started in October 2017 and it was concluded in April 2018. Initiated in Santos SP and finished in Sao Paulo SP.

Production / Realization Technology:
Structure made of stainless steel and recycled skateboard shapes that are cutted by hand and glued one by one.

Specifications / Dimension / Package / Technical Properties:
Width 2600mm x Depth 1000mm x Height 760mm

Research Abstract:
The project is the result of research and trends in the field of architecture and design that encourages us to create and execute. Just as many things inspire us to create new designs, this time it was the skaters from our city streets with their favorite sport.

The biggest challenge when designing a piece is to think about every aspect of the project. This includes all segments from the execution of the part to the final customer, production, costs, target audience and marketing.

Rua, table