Design 360° Magazine No.76 - Street Typography

No.76  Street Typography  |  街頭文字

Speaking of street typography, types with different shapes and materials will spontaneously occur to many people. From the signboards of the shops, billboards, posters, bulletins, to the guide on the road and the station names of the subway, various kinds of street typography has naturally become the indispensable part of the urban landscape. Words and characters, as the major invention of human civilization, apart from functioning as the guide and explanation, also mirror the historical culture, social change, commercial environment, and the daily ecology behind the city when they grow on the street. That is the main reason that motives the editors to select the street typography as the cultural topic of the annual theme of city.


book i  |  Lab  影像

: click the names to view more :

book ii   Trail  行跡  |  Design in Vienna  維也納設計力

: click the names to view more :

book iii   Force 原力  |  街頭文字  Street Typography

Type wit  字研

- 李健明(Lee Kin)

: click the names to view more :

Type Fun  字語

- 下浜臨太郎(Shimohama Rintaro)

: click the names to view more :

180° Feature  |  Memphis in the 21st Century 二十一世紀的孟菲斯美學

: click the names to view more :

270° Exchange  |  Tommy Li P.O.P. Design Show  李永銓『玩 · 物 · 作』設計展

: click the names to view more :

Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture  阿爾托大學藝術設計與建築學院

- 肖勇(Xiao Yong) &  楊超(Chao Yang)

: click the names to view more :

315° Blink  視野

- 韋雅泉(Wei Yaquan)

: click the names to view more :

Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang

Associate Chief Editor: Hyde Ou

Editorial Consultants : Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Javin Mo / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問 : 肖勇 / 陳楠 / 毛灼然 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊

Design Assistant : Antiny Wu / Human Cai
設計助理:吳燕婷 / 蔡曉敏

Coordinator & Flowcharting : Lauren Luo

Editors :Lauren Luo / Yuer Bi / Yeeman Lin
編輯 : 羅咏詩 / 畢玉兒 / 林怡雯


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Design 360° Magazine No.76 - Street Typography

Design 360° Magazine No.76 - Street Typography

Speaking of street typography, types with different shapes and materials will spontaneously occur to many people. From the signboards of the shop Read More
