Collect & Evade is a short demo created as part of a C++ programming course.
The player must evade the enemy AI while they collect items from within the maze.
Collecting all the items wins the game; Getting caught by the AI loses it.
Primarily as a learning experience, the demo's aesthetics consist entirely of standard Unreal Engine assets and written almost exclusively in C++ using Visual Studio.
At the end of the class, the demo was a single level with the minimum of requirements to constitute a game, a C++ implemented HUD, AI pathfinding through Unreal's Blackboard, and rather unceremonious Start/End states.
Additional improvements have since been made:
-The HUD was given a complete overhaul using Unreal's UMG feature, greatly improving the quality of the UI.
-Given the simplicity of the inventory system, the current count was added to the HUD.
-Proper Start, End, and In-Game menus were also implemented via this method, including functional Start, Retry, and Quit buttons.
-Where as the enemy character previously would continue on its current route before pursuing the player, adjustments were made to break from its routine and immediately change course for the player.
-A HUD message was added to alert the player they are now being pursued by the AI.
Creating the original artifact was a slow process filled with trial-and-error as I got accommodated with using C++ in conjunction with Unreal Engine. When polishing, though, I was surprised how much I'd learned.
The additions and changes came easily.
Though my experience with UMG and Blueprint was limited, the process of developing the displays came naturally.
With the previously listed changes implemented, Collect & Evade has all the elements of a complete, albeit short and simple, game.

